Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Starry Nights for Josh Quilt Top

Sorry for the poor pictures of the quilt top that I finished a couple weeks ago for the Starry Night for Josh QAL that Alycia Carmin had.  Between  naturally poor light in my condo & limited mobility for me as I am putting up with a back muscle spasm for the last 4 weeks, I just couldn't get a good picture.  Perhaps when it's quilted, I can get good shot.


Friday, July 3, 2015

Starrry Night For Josh

This was a short Quilt Along offered by Alycia Carmin  http://alyciaquilts.blogspot.com/2015_06_01_archive.html.  I like her designs so set apart the 2.5 weeks (I thought) to for once keep up with everyone doing the project.  Some unexpected & potentially serious medical stuff came up & I was at doctor offices & labs 7 times in 2 weeks. So I'm a bit behind but for my track record on doing projects after everyone is finished, I'm calling this on time relatively lol.  Here's the blocks ready to be assembled into the quilt top this weekend, hopefully.

I was trying to get some better pictures from the last post on my thank you quilt to my company.  You can see a little better the quilting 

Thank You!

In April my company awarded 100 grants between $1500-$2000 to recognize the volunteer efforts of the employees selected for the grant.  I was selected!  I'm still amazed!  So my volunteering is with Quilts of Valor & they received the grant money.  I made this table topper/small wall hanging to thank United Airlines for the grant,

Unfortunately, there's never enough light to get good pictures.